Accelerator mass spectrometry on SIRIUS: new 6MV spectrometer at ANSTO
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University of Jyväskylä, Finland
As a part of Australian Federal Government funding in 2009 to establish a centre for accelerator science a new 6 MV state of the art accelerator – SIRIUS – was purchased. The system is now commissioned and comprises ion sources and beam lines to cater for a wide variety of both IBA and AMS applications. The ion source used for AMS (MC-SNICS) is the latest incarnation followed by 45 degree spherical ESA(R=0.3 m) and double focusing injection magnet (R=1 m, ME=20) prior the accelerator. At the terminal we have a choice of 2 stripper gasses and/or stripper foils. The high-energy spectrometer for AMS consists of a 1.27 m radius analyzing magnet with ME=176, 45 degree ESA (R=3.81m), followed by a switching magnet and 3 beam lines: one with a standard multianode ionization chamber; one with an absorber cell in front of the detector; whereas the third beam line has a time-of- ight detector. Details of the instrument design and performance data for 10Be, 26Al and 36Cl will be presented. © The Authors
Mass spectroscopy, ANSTO, Australia, Ion beams, Beams, Accelerators
Wilcken, K., Fink, D., Hotchkis, M., Garton, D., Button, D., Mann, M., & Kitchen, R. (2016). Accelerator Mass Spectrometry on SIRIUS: new 6MV spectrometer at ANSTO. Paper presented at 12th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology (ECAART12) hosted by the Department of Physics of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 3rd – 8th July, 2016.