β-NMR of 8Li+ in rutile TiO2
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IOP Publishing
We report preliminary low-energy β-NMR measurements of 8Li+ implanted in single crystal rutile TiO2 at an applied field of 6.55 T and 300 K. We observe a broad 12 kHz wide quadrupole split resonance with unresolved features and a sharp component at the Larmor frequency. The line broadening may be caused by overlapping multi-quantum transitions or motion of 8Li+ on the scale of its lifetime (1.21 s). We also find spin-lattice relaxation that is relatively fast compared to other wide band gap insulators. The origin of this fast relaxation is also likely quadrupolar and may be due to anisotropic 8Li+ diffusion. © The Authors CC-BY 3.0
Rutile, Anodes, Materials, Lithium, Nuclear magnetic resonance, Titanium oxides, Larmor precession, Spin
McFadden, R. M. L., Cortie, D. L., Arseneau, D. J., Buck, T. J., Chen, C. C., Dehn, M. H., Dunsiger, S. R., Kiefl, R. F., Levy, C. D. P., Li, C., Morris, G. D., Pearson, M. R., Samuelis, D., Xiao, J., Maier, J., & MacFarlane, W. A. (2014). β-NMR of 8Li+ in rutile TiO2. Paper presented to the 13th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance 1–6 June 2014, Grindelwald, Switzerland. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 551(1), 012032. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/551/1/012032