Browsing by Author "Kiefl, RF"
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- Item8Li+ β-NMR in the cubic insulator MgO(IOP Publishing, 2014-12-16) MacFarlane, WA; Parolin, TJ; Cortie, DL; Chow, KH; Hossain, MD; Kiefl, RF; Levy, CDP; McFadden, RML; Morris, GD; Pearson, MR; Saadaoui, H; Salman, Z; Song, Q; Wang, DWe present extensive high magnetic field β-NMR measurements of 8Li+ implanted in single crystals of MgO. The narrow resonance, consistent with a cubic 8Li+ site, likely the tetrahedral interstitital, is used routinely as a reference for shift measurements. We show the intrinsic linewidth is on the order of 200 Hz, allowing a frequency determination to an accuracy of a few Hz. We find no implantation energy dependence of the resonance within a few ppm, but there is evidence of slow spin dynamics in hole-burning measurements. The spin lattice relaxation is slow. The temperature dependence reveals interesting changes at low temperature whose origin remains uncertain. Open Access CC-BY
- ItemDepth-resolved measurement of the Meissner screening profile in a niobium thin film from spin-lattice relaxation of the implanted β-emitter 8Li(AIP Publishing, 2023-10-28) McFadden, RML; Asaduzzaman, M; Buck, TJ; Cortie, DL; Dehn, MH; Dunsiger, SR; Kiefl, RF; Laxdal, RE; Levy, CDP; MacFarlane, WA; Morris, GD; Pearson, MR; Thoeng, E; Junginger, TWe report measurements of the Meissner screening profile in a Nb(300 nm)/Al2O3 thin film using 8Liβ-detected nuclear magnetic resonance (β-NMR). The NMR probe 8Li was ion-implanted into the Nb film at energies ≤ 20 keV, corresponding to mean stopping depths comparable to Nb’s magnetic penetration depth λ. 8Li’s strong dipole–dipole coupling with the host 93Nb nuclei provided a “cross-relaxation” channel that dominated in low magnetic fields, which conferred indirect sensitivity to the local magnetic field via the spin-lattice relaxation (SLR) rate 1/T1. From a fit of the 1/T1 data to a model accounting for its dependence on temperature, magnetic field, and 8Li+ implantation energy, we obtained a magnetic penetration depth λ0= 51.5(22) nm, consistent with a relatively short carrier mean-free-path ℓ= 18.7(29) nm typical of similarly prepared Nb films. The results presented here constitute an important step toward using 8Liβ-NMR to characterize bulk Nb samples with engineered surfaces, which are often used in the fabrication of particle accelerators. © © 2023 Author(s). Published under an exclusive license by AIP Publishing.
- ItemDirect measurements of the temperature, depth and processing dependence of phenyl ring dynamics in polystyrene thin films by β-detected NMR(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018-05-24) McKenzie, I; Chai, Y; Cortie, DL; Forrest, JA; Fujimoto, D; Karner, VL; Kiefl, RF; Levy, CDP; MacFarlane, WA; McFadden, RML; Morris, GD; Pearson, MR; Zhu, SThere is indirect evidence that the dynamics of a polymer near a free surface are enhanced compared with the bulk but there are few studies of how dynamics varies with depth. β-Detected nuclear spin relaxation of implanted 8Li+ has been used to directly probe the temperature and depth dependence of the γ-relaxation mode, which is due to phenyl rings undergoing restricted rotation, in thin films of atactic deuterated polystyrene (PS-d8) and determine how the depth dependence of dynamics is affected by sample processing, such as annealing, floating on water and the inclusion of a surfactant, and by the presence of a buried interface. The activation energy for the γ-relaxation process is lower near the free surface. Annealing the PS-d8 films and then immersing in water to mimic the floating procedure used to transfer films had negligible effects on the thickness of the region near the free surface with enhanced mobility. Measurements on a bilayer film indicate enhanced phenyl ring dynamics near the buried interface compared with a single film at the same depth. PS-d8 films annealed with the surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) deposited on the surface show enhanced dynamics in the bulk compared with a pure PS-d8 film and a PS-d8 film where the SDS was washed away. There is less contrast between the surface and bulk in the SDS-treated sample, which could account for the elimination of the Tg confinement effect observed in films containing SDS [Chen and Torkelson, Polymer, 2016, 87, 226]. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018.
- ItemEvolution of the metallic state in LaNiO3/LaAlO3 superlattices measured by Li8β-detected NMR(American Physical Society (APS), 2021-11-12) Karner, VL; Chatzichristos, A; Cortie, DL; Fujimoto, D; Kiefl, RF; Levy, CDP; Li, RH; McFadden, RML; Morris, GD; Pearson, MR; Benckiser, E; Boris, AV; Cristiani, G; Logvenov, G; Keimer, B; MacFarlane, WAUsing ion-implanted Li8 β-detected NMR, we study the evolution of the correlated metallic state of LaNiO3 in a series of LaNiO3/LaAlO3 superlattices as a function of bilayer thickness. Spin-lattice relaxation measurements in an applied field of 6.55T reveal two equal amplitude components: one with metallic (T linear) 1/T1 and a second with a more complex T dependence. The metallic character of the slow relaxing component is only weakly affected by the LaNiO3 thickness, while the fast component is much more sensitive, exhibiting the opposite temperature dependence (increasing toward low T) in the thinnest, most magnetic samples. The origin of this bipartite relaxation is discussed in terms of electronic phase separation. ©2021 American Physical Society.
- ItemInteraction of the Mu-cyclohexadienyl radical with metallic (Au, Pt) nanoparticles in mesoporous silica(IOP Publishing, 2014-12-16) Xiao, J; Arseneau, DJ; Bridges, MD; Cortie, DL; Cottrell, SP; Dehn, M; Fleming, DG; Kelly, J; Kiefl, RF; MacFarlane, WA; MacLachlan, M; McKenzie, IμSR and ALCR techniques have been used to investigate the structure and dynamics of the Mu-cyclohexadienyl radical interacting with Au and Pt metal nanoparticles (MNPs) supported in mesoporous silica (SBA-15). Surprisingly, coherent precession signals are observed and the isotropic hyperfine coupling constants are almost the same in loaded and unloaded samples, implying that the electronic structure of MuC6H6 is only weakly perturbed by the presence of the MNPs. We propose the observed radicals are shielded from the metallic surfaces by a benzene coating on the MNPs. The Δ1 resonance is observable in MNP-loaded samples at higher temperatures than in the unloaded SBA-15. This is attributed to stronger binding of MuC6H6 to the benzene coated MNPs.. © The Authors - Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
- ItemIonic and electronic properties of the topological insulator Bi2Te2Se investigated via β-detected nuclear magnetic relaxation and resonance of Li8(American Physical Society, 2019-03-08) McFadden, RML; Chatzichristos, A; Chow, KH; Cortie, DL; Dehn, MH; Fujimoto, D; Hossain, MD; Ji, H; Karner, VL; Kiefl, RF; Levy, CDP; Li, R; McKenzie, I; Morris, GD; Ofer, O; Pearson, MR; Stachura, M; Stachura, RJ; MacFarlane, WAWe report measurements on the high-temperature ionic and low-temperature electronic properties of the three-dimensional topological insulator Bi2Te2Se using ion-implanted Li8β-detected nuclear magnetic relaxation and resonance. With implantation energies in the range 5-28keV, the probes penetrate beyond the expected range of the topological surface state, but are still within 250nm of the surface. At temperatures above ∼150K, spin-lattice relaxation measurements reveal isolated Li+8 diffusion with an activation energy EA=0.185(8)eV and attempt frequency τ0-1=8±3×1011s-1 for atomic site-to-site hopping. At lower temperature, we find a linear Korringa-type relaxation mechanism with a field-dependent slope and intercept, which is accompanied by an anomalous field dependence to the resonance shift. We suggest that these may be related to a strong contribution from orbital currents or the magnetic freeze-out of charge carriers in this heavily compensated semiconductor, but that conventional theories are unable to account for the extent of the field dependence. Conventional NMR of the stable host nuclei may help elucidate their origin. ©2019 American Physical Society.
- ItemLocal electronic and magnetic properties of the doped topological insulators Bi2Se3:Ca and Bi2Te3 : Mn investigated using ion-implanted 8Li β-NMR(American Physical Society (APS), 2020-12-28) McFadden, RML; Chatzichristos, A; Cortie, DL; Fujimoto, D; San Hor, Y; Ji, H; Karner, VL; Kiefl, RF; Levy, CDP; Li, RH; McKenzie, I; Morris, GD; Pearson, MR; Stachura, M; Cava, RJ; MacFarlane, WAWe report β-NMR measurements in Bi2Se3:Ca and Bi2Te3:Mn single crystals using Li+8 implanted to depths on the order of 100 nm. Above ∼200K, spin-lattice relaxation reveals diffusion of Li+8, with activation energies of ∼0.4eV (∼0.2eV) in Bi2Se3:Ca (Bi2Te3:Mn). At lower temperatures, the NMR properties are those of a heavily doped semiconductor in the metallic limit, with Korringa relaxation and a small, negative, temperature-dependent Knight shift in Bi2Se3:Ca. From this, we make a detailed comparison with the isostructural tetradymite Bi2Te2Se [McFadden, Phys. Rev. B 99, 125201 (2019)2469-995010.1103/PhysRevB.99.125201]. In the magnetic Bi2Te3:Mn, the effects of the dilute Mn moments predominate, but remarkably the Li+8 signal is not wiped out through the magnetic transition at 13 K, with a prominent critical peak in the spin-lattice relaxation that is suppressed in a high applied field. This detailed characterization of the Li+8 NMR response is an important step toward using depth-resolved β-NMR to study the low-energy properties of the chiral topological surface state in the Bi2Ch3 tetradymite topological insulator. ©2024 American Physical Society.
- ItemLocal metallic and structural properties of the strongly correlated metal LaNiO3 using 8Li β–NMR(American Physical Society, 2019-10-07) Karner, VL; Chatzichristos, A; Cortie, DL; Dehn, MH; Foyevtsov, O; Foyevtsova, K; Fujimoto, D; Kiefl, RF; Levy, CDP; Li, R; McFadden, RML; Morris, GD; Pearson, MR; Stachura, M; Ticknor, JO; Cristiani, G; Logvenov, G; Wrobel, F; Keimer, B; Zhang, J; Mitchell, JF; MacFarlane, WAWe report β-detected NMR of ion-implanted Li8 in a single crystal and thin film of the strongly correlated metal LaNiO3. Spin-lattice relaxation measurements reveal two distinct local environments, both metallic as evident from T-linear Korringa 1/T1 below 200K with slopes comparable to other metals. A small approximately temperature-independent Knight shift of ∼74ppm is observed, yielding a normalized Korringa product characteristic of substantial antiferromagnetic correlations. We find no evidence for a magnetic transition from 4 to 310K. The similarity of these features in the two very different samples indicates that they are intrinsic and unrelated to dilute oxygen vacancies. We attribute the two environments to two distinct but similar crystallographic Li8 sites and not to any form of phase inhomogeneity, but this is inconsistent with the conventional rhombohedral structure of LaNiO3, and also cannot be simply explained by the common alternative orthorhombic or monoclinic distortions. ©2024 American Physical Society.
- ItemObservation of a charge-neutral muon-polaron complex in antiferromagnetic Cr2O3(American Physical Society (APS), 2019-11-26) Dehn, MH; Shenton, JK; Holenstein, S; Meier, QN; Arseneau, DJ; Cortie, DL; Hitti, B; Fang, ACY; MacFarlane, WA; McFadden, RML; Morris, GD; Salman, Z; Luetkens, H; Spaldin, NA; Fechner, M; Kiefl, RFWe report a comprehensive muon spin rotation (μSR) study of the prototypical magnetoelectric antiferromagnet Cr2O3. We find the positively charged muon (μ+) occupies several distinct interstitial sites and displays a rich dynamic behavior involving local hopping, thermally activated site transitions, and the formation of a charge-neutral complex composed of a muon and an electron polaron. The discovery of such a complex has implications for the interpretation of μSR spectra in a wide range of magnetic oxides and opens a route to study the dopant characteristics of interstitial hydrogen impurities in such materials. We address implications arising from implanting a μ+ into a linear magnetoelectric and discuss the challenges of observing a local magnetoelectric effect generated by the charge of the muon. © Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
- ItemThe Site and High Field βNMR Properties of 8Li+ Implanted in α-Al2O3(IOP Publishing, 2023-03-01) MacFarlane, WA; Shenton, JK; Salman, Z; Chatzichristos, A; Cortie, DL; Dehn, M; Fujimoto, D; Karner, VL; Kiefl, RF; Koumoulis, D; Levy, CDP; McFadden, RML; McKenzie, I; Morris, GD; Pearson, MR; Stachura, M; Ticknor, JOWe present high (> 2 T) magnetic field βNMR measurements of 8Li+ implanted in single crystals of sapphire, a commonly used backing material for other samples. From the well-resolved quadrupolar splitting, we extract the electric field gradient (EFG) at the implanted 8Li+ site. Comparison with supercell density functional theory calculations of the EFG allows us to identify the octahedral interstitial site as the most likely candidate. In contrast to the zero field βNQR spectra, where multiple singals are detected, only a single site is evident at high field. We discuss possible explanations for this discrepancy. The spin lattice relaxation is extremely slow (1/T1 < 0.02 s−1 ) over a broad temperature range from 4 to 300 K, demonstrating that cross relaxation with the 27Al nuclear spins is quenched in such high magnetic fields.
- ItemSpin depolarization of Muonium in Mesoporous Silica(IOP Publishing, 2014-12-16) Dehn, MH; Arseneau, DJ; Bridges, MD; Buck, T; Cortie, DL; Cottrell, SP; Fleming, DG; Kelly, JA; MacFarlane, WA; MacLachlan, MJ; Morris, GD; McKenzie, I; Xiao, J; Kiefl, RFWe report muon spin rotation/relaxation measurements of muonium in mesoporous silica (SBA-15) with a high specific surface area of 600 m2/g. Up to 70 percent of the incoming muons form muonium and escape efficiently into the open pores at all temperatures between 3 and 300K. We present evidence that the interaction with the silica surfaces involves both spin exchange and a transition to a diamagnetic state, possibly due to dangling bonds on the surface. At very low temperatures, below 20K, the interaction between muonium and the silica surfaces is suppressed due to a He film coating the surfaces. These results indicate that it should be possible to use muonium to probe the surfaces of uncapped nanoparticles supported in silica. © 2014 The Authors - Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
- Itemβ-NMR of 8Li+ in rutile TiO2(IOP Publishing, 2014-12-16) McFadden, RML; Cortie, DL; Arseneau, DJ; Buck, TJ; Chen, CC; Dehn, MH; Dunsiger, SR; Kiefl, RF; Levy, CDP; Li, C; Morris, GD; Pearson, MR; Samuelis, D; Xiao, J; Maier, J; MacFarlane, WAWe report preliminary low-energy β-NMR measurements of 8Li+ implanted in single crystal rutile TiO2 at an applied field of 6.55 T and 300 K. We observe a broad 12 kHz wide quadrupole split resonance with unresolved features and a sharp component at the Larmor frequency. The line broadening may be caused by overlapping multi-quantum transitions or motion of 8Li+ on the scale of its lifetime (1.21 s). We also find spin-lattice relaxation that is relatively fast compared to other wide band gap insulators. The origin of this fast relaxation is also likely quadrupolar and may be due to anisotropic 8Li+ diffusion. © The Authors CC-BY 3.0