Increase of the stability range of the skyrmion phase in doped Cu2OSeO3
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Australian Institute of Physics
A skyrmion is a topological stable particle-like object comparable to a spin vortex at the nanometre scale. It consists of an about 50 nm large spin rotation and its spin winding number is quantized. Once formed, the skyrmions order in a two dimensional, typically hexagonal superstructure perpendicular to an applied external magnetic field (see Fig. 1). Its dynamics has links to flux line vortices as in high temperature superconductors. Cu2OSeO3 is a unique case of a multiferroic materials where the skyrmion dynamics could be controlled through the application of an external electric field. The direct control of the skyrmion dynamics through a non-dissipative method would offer technological benefits and unique possibilities for testing fundamental theories also related to the Higgs Boson whose theoretical description has similarities to skyrmions. Important for technological applications is a stability range of the skyrmion phase up to room temperature. While room temperature skyrmion materials exist, Cu2OSeO3 orders magnetically below 58 K. Our combined small angle neutron scattering (see Fig. 2), SQUID magnetization measurements and electron microscopy investigations did provide direct evidence that the stability range of the skyrmion phase can be extended in Te-doped Cu2OSeO3. The understanding of this effect will help to obtain deeper insights in the magnetic correlations in charge of the skyrmion formation and will thus help to systematically search for skyrmion materials with phase transition temperatures towards room temperature.
Angular momentum, Chalcogenides, Copper compounds, Crystal lattices, Crystal structure, Electronic equipment, Measuring instruments, Microwave equipment, Nucleon-nucleon potential, Oxides, Oxygen compounds, Particle properties, Potentials, Quasi particles, Scattering, Superconducting devices, Three-dimensional lattices, Transition element compounds
Sauceda Flores, J., Rov, R., & Camacho, L., Spasovski, M., Vella, J., Yick, S., Gilbert, E., Han, M. G., Zhu, Y., Seidel, J., Kharkov, Y., Sushkov., O., Söhnel, T., & Ulrich, C. (2020). Increase of the stability range of the skyrmion phase in doped Cu2OSeO3. Paper presented to the 44th Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting, Holiday Inn, Rotorua, New Zealand 4-7 February 2020, (pp. 52). Retrieved from: