Enhanced structural analysis through a hybrid analogue-digital mapping approach: integrating field and UAV survey with microtomography to characterize metamorphic rocks

This study focused on collecting structural data orientations of a crustal-scale shear zone (Palmi Shear Zone, PSZ, southern Calabria, Italy) by integrating various analytical and field-based techniques. The PSZ consists of deformed metamorphic rocks (migmatitic biotitic paragneiss, marbles, and skarns) showing multiple folding phases, and Hercynian tonalites and pegmatites (306-290 Ma), crosscut by Late Hercynian leucocratic dykes (ca. 290 Ma). Multi-sized clasts composed of different lithologies are preserved on clean outcrop surfaces, and are sheared into both σ - and δ -type objects that collectively suggest opposing senses of shear. The study incorporates structural analysis of folds, field and aerial surveys (UAV), digital mapping, and microcomputed tomography. Various kinematic indicators were observed in the PSZ, indicating a mix of factors influencing the shear strain patterns (e.g. fold interference patterns, different rock types with high viscosity contrast). The findings suggest a clear consistency between structural data inferred from 3D VOM (Virtual Outcrop Model) and those collected directly in the field, confirming the occurrence of both sinistral and dextral shear in the PSZ, providing important insights into the tectonic evolution of the Calabrian-Peloritani Terrane. Crown Copyright © 2024 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Shear properties, Geologic surveys, Deformation, Mapping, Metamorphic rocks, Rocks, Strains, Records management
Fazio, E., Ortolano, G., Alsop, G. I., D'Agostino, A., Visalli, R., Luzin, V., Salvemini, F., & Cirrincione, R. (2024). Enhanced structural analysis through a hybrid analogue-digital mapping approach: integrating field and UAV survey with microtomography to characterize metamorphic rocks. Journal of Structural Geology, 187, 105213. doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2024.105213