In situ applications of soft x-ray ptychography
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Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Society
Coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) with synchrotron X-ray beams allows extended objects to be characterised at high spatial resolution (<30 nm)
and high energy resolution (0.1 eV). In an implementation of CDI known as ptychography, a far-field diffraction pattern is measured from many
overlapping regions as the sample is scanned through a coherent X-ray beam. Quantitative images of an object are then obtained from the far-field
intensity pattern through iterative reconstruction algorithms. This provides a unique method of studying the elemental and chemical-state
distributions in relatively thick materials and their relationship to nanoscale morphology. The high coherent flux offered by synchrotron X-ray
sources can also potentially allow high temporal resolution through the use of emerging detector technology and advanced image reconstruction
algorithms. This in turn allows the nanoscale structure of functional materials to be studied under non-equilibrium real-time conditions. In this
work, we review recent efforts to apply soft X-ray ptychography to in situ and operando applications at several synchrotron facilities. We
emphasise studies of functional materials that are characterised by heterogeneity over a range of relevant length scales, including energy storage
materials based on polypyrrole nanocomposites and inorganic, aluminosilicate based ceramics. Finally, a perspective on the future prospects of the
method will be given, with particular attention to how experimental challenges can be overcome to achieve the spatiotemporal resolution limits
defined by the available coherent flux from synchrotron light sources.
In-situ processing, Diffraction, Beams, Morphology, Synchrotrons, Light sources, Synchrotron radiation sources
van Riessen, G., James, M., van Riessen, A., Phillips, N., de Jonge, M., Kourousias, G., Giamoncelli, A., Bozzini, B. (2016). In situ applications of soft x-ray ptychography. Paper presented to ACMM24 : Australian Conference on Microscopy and Analysis : Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, 31 Jan-4 Feb 2016, (pp. 65).