Deciphering the cosmogenic code to learn Earth’s surface history

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American Geophysical Union
Galactic cosmic rays continually bombard Earth’s upper atmosphere, causing a cascade of secondary particle fluxes. The more energetic components of this particle cascade penetrate the atmosphere and interact with the nuclear building blocks within the minerals that compose the rocks on Earth’s surface, producing a wide variety of secondary nuclides.Text © 2016. The authors. CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Citation from webpage - Stroeven, A. P.,Fink, D., and Caffee, M. (2016), Deciphering the cosmogenic code to learn Earth’s surface history, Eos, 97, Published on 28 November 2016.
Cosmic radiation, Particle influx, Earth atmosphere, Isotopes, Chlorine 36, Beryllium 10, Aluminium 26, Mass spectroscopy
Stroeven, A. P., Fink, D., & Caffee, M. (2016). Deciphering the cosmogenic code to learn Earth’s surface history. Paper presented at Third Nordic Workshop on Cosmogenic Nuclide Techniques; Stockholm, Sweden, 8–10 June 2016. In Eos, 97. doi:10.1029/2016EO062975