Dose modelling comparison for terrestrial biota: IAEA EMRAS II Biota Working Group's Little Forest Burial Ground scenario
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International Union of Radioecology
Radiological doses to terrestrial biota have been examined in a model inter-comparison study that emphasised the identification of factors causing variability in dose estimation. Radiological dose rates were modelled for ten species representing a diverse range of terrestrial plant and animals with varying behavioural and physical attributes. Dose to these organisms may occur from a range of gamma (Co-60, Cs-137), beta (Sr-90) and alpha (Th-232, U-234 and U-238, Pu-238, Pu-239/240 and Am-241) emitting radionuclides. Whilst the study was based on a specific site - the Little Forest Burial Ground, New South Wales, and Australia - it was intended to be representative of conditions at sites throughout the world where low levels of radionuclides exist in soil due to waste disposal or similar activities.
ANSTO, Terrestrial ecosystems, Australia, Dose rates, Radiation effects, Simulation, Plants, Animals
Johansen, M. P., Barnett, C. L., Beresford, N. A, Brown, J. E., Černe, M., Howard, B. J., Kamboj, S., Keum, D.-K., Smodiš, B., Twining, J. R., Vandenhove, H., Vives i Batlle, J., Wood, M. D., & Yu, C. (2011). Dose modelling comparison for terrestrial biota: IAEA EMRAS II Biota Working Group's Little Forest Burial Ground scenario. [Lecture]. In: Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity - Environment & Nuclear Renaissance, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 19-24 June 2011. Hamilton, Ontario, McMaster University.