Some geometrical properties of packings of equal spheres in cylindrical vessels, Part I - exploratory study of random packings in small vessels
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Australian Atomic Energy Commission
An experimental method is described for determining some of the mean geometrical properties of packings of equal spheres in cylindrical vessels, essentially it involves determining the volumes of the sphere material in an outer region of thickness one sphere diameter, and the remaining central region. Related properties, including the mean void fractions of the two regions, can then be calculated. Since the properties of the central region of random packings prepared by a particular method are almost independent of the cylinder-to-sphere diameter ratio it was possible to conduct exploratory experiments using small cylinders. The packings were prepared by a variety of methods. General expressions are given for calculating related properties from the observations, and also for extending the results to larger vessels to an estimated accuracy of about ± 2 percent. The accuracy of about ± 1 percent inherent in the method may be achieved by refinements such as the use of vessels of larger diameter and the elimination of end effects.
Cylindrical configuration, Spheres, Containers, Cylinders
Tingate, G. A. (1970). Some geometrical properties of packings of equal spheres in cylindrical vessels, Part I - exploratory study of random packings in small vessels. (AAEC/E208). Lucas Heights, NSW: Australian Atomic Energy Commission.