An energy dispersive time resolved liquid surface reflectometer

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Two designs are presented for an energy dispersive liquid surface reflectometer with time resolution in the milli-second domain. The designs utilise rotating crystal and Laue analyser optics respectively to energy analyse a pink synchrotron X-ray beam after reflection from a liquid surface. Some performance estimates are presented, along with results of a test experiment using a laboratory source and solid state detector. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.
Physical copy held by ANSTO Library at DDC: 539.735/18. The conference proceedings are cited as the main sources and the journal is also acknowledged.
Time Resolution, Energy, Laue method, Surfaces, Synchrotrons, Reflection
Garrett, R. F., White, J. W., King, D. J., Dowling, T. L., & Fullagar, W. (2001). An energy dispersive time resolved liquid surface reflectometer. Paper presented to the 7th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, Berlin Germany, August 21-25, 2000. In W. Gudat & P. Zimmermann (Eds), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation, Berlin Germany, August 21-25, 2000, (Part 2, 998-1000). North-Holland, Elsevier.