Understanding the cation ordering transition in high-voltage spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 by doping Li instead of Ni
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Springer Nature
We determined how Li doping affects the Ni/Mn ordering in high-voltage spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4(LNMO) by using neutron diffraction, TEM image, electrochemical measurements, and NMR data. The doped Li occupies empty octahedral interstitials (16c site) before the ordering transition, and can move to normal octahedral sites (16d (4b) site) after the transition. This movement strongly affects the Ni/Mn ordering transition because Li at 16c sites blocks the ordering transition pathway and Li at 16d (4b) sites affects electrostatic interactions with transition metals. As a result, Li doping increases in the Ni/Mn disordering without the effect of Mn3+ ions even though the Li-doped LNMO undergoes order-disorder transition at 700 °C. Li doping can control the amount of Ni/Mn disordering in the spinel without the negative effect of Mn3+ ions on the electrochemical property. © 2021 Springer Nature Limited. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative.
Radioisotope batteries, Energy, Catalysis, Cations, Crystal doping, Lithium, Neutron diffraction, Transmission electron microscopy, Nuclear magnetic resonance
Lee, J., Dupre, N., Avdeev, M. & Kang, B. (2017). Understanding the cation ordering transition in high-voltage spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 by doping Li instead of Ni. Scientific Reports, 7, 6728. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-07139-2