The halogen bond in solution: general discussion

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Royal Society of Chemistry
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Halogens, Anions, Water, Halides, Hydration, Bonding, Dilution, Kinetics, Melting points, Materials
Aakeröy, C. B., Beer, P. D., Beyeh, N. K., Brammer, L., Branca, M., Bryce, D. L., Del Bene, J. E., Edwards, A. J., Erdelyi, M., Esterhuysen, C., Fourmigué, M., Kennepohl, P., Lee, L. M., Mosquera, M. E. G., Murray, J. S., Mustoe, C. L., Pennington, W. T., Politzer, P., Riley, K. E., Rosokha, S. V., Taylor, M. S., Tsuzuki, S., Vargas-Baca, I., & Xu, Y. (2017). The halogen bond in solution: general discussion. Presentation to the 203rd Faraday Discussion meeting on Halogen Bonding in Supramolecular and Solid State Chemistry, Ottawa, Canada, 10-12th July, 2017. In Faraday Discussions, 203, 347-370. doi:10.1039/C7FD90063E