Beam dynamics, injection and impedance studies for the proposed single pulsed nonlinear injection kicker at the Australian Synchrotron

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JACoW Publishing
The Australian Synchrotron are currently investigating the use of a single pulsed nonlinear injection kicker (NLK) to free floor space within the ring for future beamline development. The NLK has a zero and flat magnetic field at the stored beam to leave the stored beam undisturbed but has a maximum field off-axis where the injected beam is located. After the kick, the injected beam is stored. While NLKs have been prototyped at many facilities around the world, injection efficiency and heat loading have been the main impediment to deployment of the NLK. The wakefields that pass through the ceramic chamber aperture can cause severe heat loading and impedance. Despite achieving impressive injection efficiencies, a previous prototype at BESSY II * showed that strong interactions of the stored beam resulted in high heat load causing the thin 5µm Titanium coated ceramic chamber to reach temperatures > 500 °C and fail. To avoid beam induced heat loads, this paper presents studies of the wake impedance and thermal behaviour for our proposed NLK design. Injection simulations and future considerations for installation and operation at the Australian Synchrotron will be discussed.
Author Y-R E Tan is also known as Eugene Tan.
Australia, Synchrotrons, Beams, Magnetic fields, Simulation, Dipoles
Auchettl, R., Dowd, R., & Tan, Y.-R. E. (2019). Beam dynamics, injection and impedance studies for the proposed single pulsed nonlinear injection kicker at the Australian Synchrotron. Paper presented to the 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference, 19-24 May 2019, Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. In Boland, M., Tanaka, H., Button, D., Dowd, R., Schaa, V. R. W., & Tan, E. (Eds.). (2019). Proceedings of the 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference. JACoW Publishing: Geneva. (pp. 1219). Retrieved from: