Surveying the higher dimensions of the aperiodic composite nonadecane/urea
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Australian Institute of Physics
A decade ago, few we observed for the first time that there exist phase transitions where the structural changes correspond just to degrees of freedom hidden in the internal (super)space of an aperiodic material, here the composite nonadecane/urea [1]. A key factor in the discovery of this type of transition [2] was the examination of the diffraction pattern in 3D, only possible at the time on a four-circle triple-axis neutron spectrometer, the analyzer used in zero-energy transfer to reduce the background and improve resolution. Despite the greater accessibility in reciprocal space compared with earlier experiments using a conventional triple-axis spectrometer, the weak intensity of the superlattice reflections limited the volume of reciprocal space that could be explored. Modern neutron Laue diffractometers with large image-plate detectors permit rapid and extensive exploration of reciprocal space with high resolution in the two-dimensional projection and a wide dynamic range with negligible bleeding of intense diffraction spots [3]. Surveying nonadecane/urea with neutron Laue diffraction from 300 K to 4 K revealed further detail of the superspace-driven phase transition, notably an increase in misorientation in the plane perpendicular to the composite misfit axis, as well as a first-order transition to a new phase at lower temperature. Complementary monochromatic X-ray examination, again using a high-resolution image-plate detector, showed that this new phase corresponds to additional commensurate ordering of the guest alkane subsystem. These observations shed light on how nature can use the degrees of freedom hidden in the internal superspace to form states that cannot be envisaged in the usual 3D real space.
Amides, Carbonic acid derivates, Coherent scattering, Crystal structure, Diffraction methods, Hydrocarbons, Organic nitrogen compounds
McIntyre, G. J., Lemée-Cailleau, M.-H., & Toudic, B. (2020). Surveying the higher dimensions of the aperiodic composite nonadecane/urea. Poster presented to the 44th Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting, Holiday Inn, Rotorua, New Zealand, 4-7 February 2020, (pp. 71). Retrieved from: