Predictive study of condensing vapour bubble in subcooled boiling flow using intersection marker method

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American Nuclear Society
The InterSection Marker (ISM) method, a hybrid Lagrangian-Eulerian numerical method which can model an arbitrary 3D surface within an array of cubic control-volumes, was explicitly devised to simulate multiphase phenomena, such as bubbly flows. In this work, the ISM method was used to simulate single vapour bubble condensation in a vertical rectangular channel in subcooled boiling flow condition. The vapour bubble was condensing while rising in quiescent water under the influence of the buoyancy and the surface tension forces. Coupling between the ISM interface tracking method and an in-house variable-density and variable-viscosity single-fluid flow solver was achieved by means of the immersed boundary method. In order to simulate the condensing bubble, the source terms were modelled in the CFD governing equations to account for heat and mass transfers from the bubble. During the simulation, the condensing bubble properties such as bubble history, shape, and velocity were predicted for various initial bubble sizes and liquid subcooling values. The results obtained from the ISM simulation were then compared against the past works and found to be in good agreement. The interfacial (convective) heat transfer coefficient depends on the bubble velocity. As such, bubble velocity as well as liquid subcooling play an important role in the bubble condensation rate. Bubble deforms at a higher rate for larger bubble sizes. With the increase of liquid subcooling, rise velocity of the condensing bubble decreases for continuous loss of mass (reduced buoyancy force) and for deformed bubble shape (increasing drag force). © The Authors.
Mark Ho is listed on this article as Mark Kai Ming Ho. In APO Mark is listed as Ho, M
Bubbles, Boiling, Heat, Size, Liquids, Subcooling, Shape, Control, Volume, Simulation, Heat transfer, Drag
Sharif, S. A., Ming Ho, M. K., Timchenko, V., & Yeoh, G. H. (2019). Predictive study of condensing vapour bubble in subcooled boiling flow using intersection marker method. Paper presented to the 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, NURETH 2019, Portland, Oregon. In Proceedings of the 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH 2019), (pp. 112-126). Retrieved from: