Fabrication of titania nanotube membranes by atomic layer deposition using nanoporous alumina as a template
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Engineers Australia
Conformal TiO2 films have been deposited onto highly oriented porous alumina arrays to characterise membranes with controlled pore modification. A suite of tools have been used to probe the evolution of these coated porous structures. Depth profiling by secondary ion mass spectroscopy revealed the distribution of elements Ti and O deposited throughout the coated porous alumina. High resolution imaging using scanning electron microscopy confirmed the reduction in pore-size as a function of deposition cycles. Following the removal of the porous alumina template, free-standing titania nanotubes were prepared which show the pore geometry of the alumina template was preserved. ©2011 Engineers Australia
Fabrication, Nanotubes, Layers, Thin Films, Aluminium, Titanium, Porosity, Mass spectroscopy, Oxygen, Scanning Electron microscopy
Evans, P. J., Triani, G., Nambiar, M., Shapter, J. G., & Losic, D. (2011). Fabrication of titania nanotube membranes by atomic layer deposition using nanoporous alumina as a template. Paper presented at Chemeca 2011: Engineering a Better World, Sydney Hilton Hotel, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 18-21 September 2011, (pp. 219-222). Barton, ACT: Engineers Australia.. Retrieved from: https://search.informit.org/doi/abs/10.3316/informit.162655448317838