The HIFAR oscillator

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Melbourne University Press on behalf of The Australian Atomic Energy Commission
A description is given of a pile oscillator which will enable thermal absorption cross-section measurements to be made on HIFAR. The apparatus is in course of construction. The principal design factors are discussed, with particular reference to the effects of scattering by the sample, and the extension of the range of cross-section measurements to include moderators such as graphite and beryllium.
Physical copies held by ANSTO Library at DDC: 539.7/348
HIFAR Reactor, Australia, Australian organizations, Pile oscillation techniques, Absorption, Cross sections, Scattering, Graphite, Beryllium, ANSTO
Nicholson, K. P., & Pryor, A. W. (1958). The HIFAR oscillator. Paper present to the Australian Atomic Energy Symposium, 1958, "Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy In Australia", Sydney, June 2 to 6, 1958. In Australian Atomic Energy Symposium, 1958 : proceedings of a Symposium on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in Australia held in Sydney from June 2 to 6, 1958. Carlton, Victoria : Melbourne University Press on behalf of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission, (pp. 547-551).