Oxide ion and proton conductivity in highly oxygen-deficient cubic perovskite SrSc0.3Zn0.2Ga0.5O2.4

A series of Zn-substituted compounds, Sr2Sc1–xZnxGaO5–0.5x, based on the brownmillerite-type oxide ion conductor Sr2ScGaO5 have been synthesized, and a single-phase region has been identified at 0.4 ≤ x < 0.6. The structure and dynamics of Sr2Sc0.6Zn0.4GaO4.8 were investigated by X-ray and neutron diffraction, neutron total scattering and pair distribution function (PDF) analysis, impedance spectroscopy, and neutron spectroscopy. The material was found to be a highly disordered cubic perovskite with a remarkable level of oxygen deficiency across a large temperature range. These structural properties lead to an increase of oxide ion conductivity of about two orders of magnitude relative to the parent Sr2ScGaO5. The presence of proton conductivity and some water uptake was suggested by the impedance data and corroborated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), variable temperature X-ray diffraction, and neutron spectroscopy. Both proton and oxide ion conductivity produced a measurable quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) signal, and the onset of each dynamic process could be observed by monitoring the temperature dependence of the elastic and inelastic scattering intensities measured in fixed window scans. Neutron total scattering and PDF studies revealed a local structure that is markedly different from the perovskite average structure, and we propose that Sr2Sc0.6Zn0.4GaO4.8 contains a rare one-coordinate or terminal oxygen site. © 2020 American Chemical Society
X-ray diffraction, Neutron diffraction, Pair spectrometers, Perovskite, Oxygen, Nuclear magnetic resonance, Structure factors
Fuller, C. A., Berrod, Q., Frick, B., Johnson, M. R., Avdeev, M., Evans, J. S. O., & Evans, I. R. (2020). Oxide ion and proton conductivity in highly oxygen-deficient cubic perovskite SrSc0.3Zn0.2Ga0.5O2.4. Chemistry of Materials, 32(10), 4347-4357. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c01378