Stability and storage of soil organic carbon in a heavy-textured Karst soil from south-eastern Australia

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Both aggregation and mineral association have been previously found to enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) storage (the amount of organic C retained in a soil), and stability (the length of time organic C is retained in a soil). These mechanisms are therefore attractive targets for soil C sequestration. In this study, we investigate and compare SOC storage and stability of SOC associated with fine minerals and stored within aggregates using a combination of particle-size fractionation, elemental analysis and radiocarbon dating. In this heavy-textured, highly aggregated soil, SOC was found to be preferentially associated with fine minerals throughout the soil profile. By contrast, the oldest SOC was located in the coarsest, most highly aggregated fraction. In the topsoil, radiocarbon ages of the aggregate-associated SOC indicate retention times in the order of centuries. Below the topsoil, retention times of aggregate-SOC are in the order of millennia. Throughout the soil profile, radiocarbon dates indicate an enhanced stability in the order of centuries compared with the fine mineral fraction. Despite this, the radiocarbon ages of the mineral-associated SOC were in the order of centuries to millennia in the subsoil (30–100 cm), indicating that mineral-association is also an effective stabilisation mechanism in this subsoil. Our results indicate that enhanced SOC storage does not equate to enhanced SOC stability, which is an important consideration for sequestration schemes targeting both the amount and longevity of soil carbon. © 2014 CSIRO Publishing
Australia, Soils, Carbon 14, Minerals, Agglomeration
Hobley, E., Willgoose, G. R., Frisia, S., & Jacobsen, G. (2014). Stability and storage of soil organic carbon in a heavy-textured Karst soil from south-eastern Australia. Soil Research, 52(5), 476-482. doi:10.1071/SR13296