Bog burst in the eastern Netherlands triggered by the 2.8 kyr BP climate event

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The nature and cause of the so-called 2.8 kyr BP event have been a subject of much debate. Peat sequences have provided much of the evidence for this event, but the process link between climate and peatland response is not well understood. Multiproxy, high-resolution analysis of a core from Bargerveen in the eastern Netherlands based on pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs, testate amoebae and geochemistry identified an abrupt shift from relatively dry to extremely wet conditions. Radiocarbon-based wiggle-match dating (WMD) and biostratigraphy based on the pollen record show that this shift in local hydrology occurred around 2800 cal. yr BP. We interpret an erosional hiatus lasting up to 950 years immediately prior to this, as the effect of a bog burst after excessive rainfall. This phenomenon was not limited to our sampling location but occurred over a large part of the former Bargerveen. Peat at the hiatus contains microfossils that reflect temporary eutrophication as a consequence of local fires and secondary decomposition because of increased drainage after the erosion event. Our data show how detailed multiproxy analyses can elucidate the past response of peatlands to changing climate and suggest that the climatic change in northwest Europe at this time caused major non-linear disruption to these ecosystems. © 2014, © SAGE Publications.
Climatic change, Europe, Pollen, Wetlands, Swamps, Netherlands
van Geel, B., Heijnis, H., Charman, D. J., Thompson, G., & Engels, S. (2014). Bog burst in the eastern Netherlands triggered by the 2.8 kyr BP climate event.The Holocene, 24, 1465-1468. doi:10.1177/0959683614544066