Magnetic properties in polycrystalline and single crystal Ca-doped LaCoO3

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American Physical Society
Polycrystalline (PC) and single crystalline (SC) Ca-doped LaCoO3 (LCCO) samples with the perovskite structure were synthesized by conventional solid-state reaction and the floating-zone growth method. We present the results of a comprehensive investigation of the magnetic properties of the LCCO system. Systematic measurements have been conducted on dc magnetization, ac susceptibility, exchange-bias, and the magnetocaloric effect. These findings suggest that complex structural phases, ferromagnetic (FM), and spin-glass/cluster-spin-glass (CSG), and their transitions exist in PC samples, while there is a much simpler magnetic phase in SC samples. It was also of interest to discover that the CSG induced a magnetic field memory effect and an exchange-bias-like effect, and that a large inverse irreversible magnetocaloric effect exists in this system.(C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3562518]
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 14-18 November 2010, Atlanta, Georgia
Magnetic properties, Crystals, Spin glass state, Magnetization, Crystal structure, Phase studies
Zeng, R., Debnath, J.C., Chen, D.P., Shamba, P., Wang, J.L., Kennedy, S.J., Campbell, S.J., Silver, T., Dou, S.X. (2011). Magnetic properties in polycrystalline and single crystal Ca-doped LaCoO3. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 14-18 November 2010, Atlanta, Georgia. In Journal of Applied Physics, 109(7), 07E146. doi:10.1063/1.3562518