Updated analysis of the Lucas Heights climatology - 1991 to 2003
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Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Meteorological data collected from 1991 to 2003 in the Lucas Heights region have been summarised to provide an update on the climatology. This report represents analysis of data collected at the Lucas Heights Science and Technology Centre since 1991 when an advanced digital recording system was installed. The small network of meteorological stations installed in the surrounding region since 1993 has allowed an investigation of the influence of complex terrain on wind flow and atmospheric dispersion patterns. For a period between 1999 and 2001 a Bureau of Meteorology disdrometer was installed at Lucas Heights to investigate raindrop size distributions. A large number of statistical summaries for all meteorological data are presented in in two appendices at the end of the report as a resource for reference purposes.
ANSTO, Climates, Meteorology, Statistical data
Clark, G. H. (2003). An updated analysis of the Lucas Heights climatology - 1991 to 2003 (ANSTO/E754). Lucas Heights, NSW: Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation.