Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and TEM studies of the internal porosity of three cultured diatom frustules

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Commission for Biological Physics
Diatoms are microscopic algae that produce intricate silica cell walls, called frustules. These structures have well-defined pore classes that characterise the species of diatom. In this way a particular species is able to produce porous silica containing several highly monodisperse pore sizes. The ability to culture relatively large amounts of diatom frustules supports the investigation of pore size distribution in bulk samples with a small angle scattering technique. In this work, we compare SANS scattering curves for three species of diatoms with internal porosity visualised from frustule sections examined under TEM. We comment on the relative merits of each approach for determining the internal porosity of diatom frustules.
Small angle scattering, Transmission electron microscopy, Diatoms, Porosity, Cell wall, Silica
Garvey, C. J., & Ferris, J. M. (2004). Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) and TEM studies of the internal porosity of three cultured diatom frustules. Poster presented to the ICBP2004: 5th International Conference on Biological Physics (A02-066), 23rd – 27th August 2004. Gothenburg, Sweden: Chalmers Conference Centre.