Evolution of composition and grain correlations upon phase transitions and micro-structural rearrangement processes followed in-situ by high energy x-ray diffraction

Two-dimensional powder diffraction using high-energy synchrotron x-rays is a powerful tool for bulk studies of materials and a short introduction of its advantages is given here.
X-ray diffraction, Correlations, Phase transformations, High energy physics, Seeds, Microstructure
Liss, K. D., Yeoh, L. A., Clemens, H., Chladil, H., Bartels, A., Stark, A., & Buslaps, T. (2007). Evolution of composition and grain correlations upon phase transitions and micro-structural rearrangement processes followed in-situ by high energy x-ray diffraction. Presentation to the Materials and Austceram 2007 International Conference, 4th - 6th July 2007. Brighton Le Sands, Sydney, Australia: Novotel.