Perspectives in energy requirements of mankind.

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Australian Atomic Energy Commission
The growth of energy demand from the nineteenth century to the present and its likely future development are described, for the interested layman, in the context of the changing pattern of resource use. The availability and distribution of the renewable and non-renewable resources of energy, which will provide for the future, show that developed and developing countries will incur supply problems in the decades ahead unless the potential of all energy reserves is tapped. Factors such as the market penetration of new resources and the depletion of resources are outlined. It is pointed out that coal may be used increasingly for some time but that nuclear energy is the only other energy form which is immediately available and which can be utilised commercially. Nuclear energy will be needed even if countries are prepared to cut back to low growth rates in energy use. It is suggested that lower growth rates may well be necessary in the next twenty to thirty years, since it takes this time to bring new alternative technologies into commercial use, and a further similar period will be required to achieve significant resource substitution.
Comparative evaluations, Fossil fuels, Nuclear energy, Solar energy, Uranium
Symonds, J. L. (1975). Perspectives in energy requirements of mankind.(AAEC/IP2). Lucas Heights, NSW: Australian Atomic Energy Commission, Research Establishment.