A survey of thermal and mechanical aspects of some H.T.G.C.R reactor core designs utilising beryllium oxide moderation
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Australian Atomic Energy Commission
This report presents results of a study, from July 1962, to June 1963, by the Core Development Group (Engineering Research Division), of various reactor core configurations for a high temperature gas cooled reactor system, using fuels dispersed in unclad BeO with BeO moderation and CO2 gas coolant. The configurations are naturally classified into two groups: one, Parallel Channel Reactors (cores with fixed internal geometry and specific coolant channels), and the other, Pebble Bed Reactors. The major advantages and design problems of each type are discussed. Methods for solution of the problems are suggested. Although the reactor types are compared, it is impossible to recommend any one type in preference to the others, owing to the lack of reliable nuclear and cost data.
Beryllium oxides, Reactor cores, Gas cooled reactors, Fuel dispersion reactors, Pebble bed reactors
Gerrand, R. P., Holy, Z. J., Binns, I. M., & Hawker, P. A. E. (1966). A survey of thermal and mechanical aspects of some H.T.G.C.R reactor core designs utilising beryllium oxide moderation. (AAEC/E153). Lucas Heights, N.S.W.: Research Establishment, Australian Atomic Energy Commission.