Characterization and leaching behavior of plutonium-bearing Synroc-C

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Cambridge University Press/Springer Nature
Synroc-C containing 10wt% simulated PW-4b-D HLW including 0.62 wt% 239Pu was subjected to MCC-1 type leach tests at 70°C in deionised water, silicate and carbonate leachates for 53 d and deionised water for 2472 d. The normalised total (i.e. unfiltered leachate + vessel wall) Pu leach rates in deionised water, silicate and carbonate leachates for periods up to 53 d were found to be of the order of 10-5, 10-4 and 10-4 g m-2 d-1 respectively. After 2472 d, the differential, normalised, Pu leach rate in deionised water dropped to ∼5 × 10-6 (total) and ∼5 × 10-8 (solution - after filtration through a 1000NMW filter) g m-2 d-1. SEM and AEM were used to characterise our starting material and investigate the secondary phases on the surfaces of leached Synroc-C discs. Calculated and measured normalised Pu leach rates are compared and the partitioning of Pu between zirconolite and perovskite is discussed. © Materials Research Society 1997
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Leaching, Plutonium, Synthetic rocks, Scanning electron microscopy, Zirconolite, Perovskite
Smith, K. L., Lumpkin, G. R., Blackford, M. G., Hambley, M., Day, R. A., Hart, K. P., & Jostsons, A. (1996). Characterization and leaching behavior of plutonium-bearing Synroc-C. Paper presented to the Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XX, December 2-6, 1996, Boston, Nassachusetts, U.S.A. In Gray, W. J., & Triay, I. R. (Eds). Materials Research Society, Symposium Proceedings, Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XX, 465, (pp. 1267-1272). doi:10.1557/PROC-465-1267