Options for an Australian hadron therapy facility

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Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
It is believed that a compelling case can be made for the construction of a very high Hadron Research Facility in Australia. Several proposals have been prepared in the past. In all cases, the accelerator on which the facility was based would have had the capability of producing highly precise and controlled proton beams with variable energies between 60 and 250 MeV. One of the previous proposals also suggested a more advanced accelerator system capable of producing, in addition, carbon beams with energies variable from 120 - 430 MeV/amu. This paper considers some options for a possible Australian Facility.
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Australian organizations, Hadrons, Research programs, Proton beams, Accelerators, MeV Range, Measuring instruments
Boldeman, J. (2012). Options for an Australian hadron therapy facility. Presentation to a Workshop: A Hadron Strategy for Australia, 20 April 2012. In Workshop: A Hadron Strategy for Australia, 20 April 2012, Lucas Heights, New South Wales : Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, (pp. 3).