Late pleistocene cosmogenic 36Cl clacial geochronology and PISM ice flow model of the Central Taurus Range, Turkey

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International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA)
The glacial geochronology of the Taurus Mountain Range is well-studied thanks to several works that use quantitative methods. Here, we report the timing of deglaciations in the central part of the Taurus Range, in the Mount Karanfil and Aladağlar during the Late Pleistocene. In the light of terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide 36Cl surface exposure ages and glacial geomorphology, we use the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) to model Last Glacial Maximum (LGM-20 ka) cycle in central Taurus Range. Aladağlar Massif, covers an area of 800 km2, composed mainly of Mesozoic carbonate rocks and shows the evidence of Late Pleistocene glaciations. We carefully carried out glacial geomorphological map of Aladağlar and Karanfil mountains and collected moraine boulder samples for cosmogenic 36Cl surface exposure dating. We collected 21 samples from Karanfil Mountains and 39 from Aladağlar to assess the timing of paleoglaciations. The ages obtained from W-NW-facing Körmenlik Valley indicate a deglaciation starting from ca. 35.000 years (35 ka) in Aladağlar which give substantial evidence regarding ice accumulation before the global LGM. Moraines of ca. 20 ka in age are observed in higher altitudes in Aladağlar and Mount Karanfil. Late Glacial (ca. 15 ka) moraine ages are also well established from Maden Valley. We also present preliminary field observations as 13 samples are still in progress from Eastern Valleys of Aladağlar. The results from the NW-facing valleys in Mount Karanfil indicate deglaciation starting during local Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), ca. 19 ka. Late Glacial (ca. 15 ka) moraine ages are also well established in Mount Karanfil. Additionally, a rock glacier at ca. 2500 m was dated to early Holocene (ca. 11 ka) indicating periglacial conditions in this mountain. The moraine and rock glacier ages are first dates obtained from this part of the Taurus Range, which is compatible with the glacial chronology of southern Turkey and surrounding regions. In order to obtain glacial conditions of the past, we used simulations of nine conditions, in Mount Karanfil, with open-source PISM, which necessitates 9°C decrease in air temperatures and 25% more precipitation compared to today’s conditions. This work was supported by TÜBİTAK 116Y155 project.
Glaciers, Turkey, Mountains, Age estimation, Chlorine 36, Ice, Moraines, Precipitation
Köse, O., Sarikaya, M. A., Çiner. A., Yıldırım, C., Candaş, A., & Wilcken, K. M. (2019). Late pleistocene cosmogenic 36Cl clacial geochronology and PISM ice flow model of the Central Taurus Range, Turkey. Poster presented to the 20th INQUA Congress, 25th - 31st July 2019, Dublin, Ireland. Retrieved from: