Comparison of sodium zirconium phosphate-structured HLW forms and Synroc for high-level nuclear waste immobilization

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Materials Research Society
The incorporation of (a) Cs and Sr as; (b) simulated actinides, and (c) simulated Purex waste in sodium zirconium phosphate (NZP) has been studied. The samples were prepared by sintering, by hot pressing and by hot isostatic pressing in metal bellows containers. The short-term chemical durability of the phosphate-based material containing Purex waste was within an order of magnitude ofthat for Synroc-C, as measured by 7-day MCC-1 tests at 90°C. The dissolution behaviour showed evidence of re-precipitation phenomena, even after times as short as 28 days. Potential for improvement of NZP-based ceramics for HLW management is discussed. © Materials Research Society 1997
Physical copy held by ANSTO at DDC: 621.4838/31. Abstract also available online at
Sodium, Zirconium, Phosphates, Actinides, High-level radioactive wastes, Hot pressing, Purex process, Sintering, Dissolution, Synroc process
Zyryanov, V. N., & Vance, E. R. (1996). Comparison of sodium zirconium phosphate-structured HLW forms and Synroc for high-level nuclear waste immobilization. Paper presented to the Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XX, 2-6 December 1996, Boston, Massachachuetts, U. S. A. In Gray, W. J. & Triay, I. R. (Eds.), Material Research Society Proceedings, Symposium held 2-6 December, 1996, Boston, Massachusetts, U. S. A., (Vol. 465, pp. 409-415).