Magnetic ordering of the buckled honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet Ba2NiTeO6

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American Physical Society
We investigate the magnetic order of the buckled honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet Ba2NiTeO6 and its related antiferromagnet Ba3NiTa2O9 by neutron diffraction measurements. We observe magnetic Bragg peaks below the transition temperatures, and identify propagation vectors for these oxides. A combination of representation analysis and Rietveld refinement leads to a collinear magnetic order for Ba2NiTeO6 and a 120∘ structure for Ba3NiTa2O9. We find that the spin model of the bilayer triangular lattice is equivalent to that of the two-dimensional buckled honeycomb lattice having magnetic frustration. We discuss the magnetic interactions and single-ion anisotropy of Ni2+ ions for Ba2NiTeO6 in order to clarify the origin of the collinear magnetic structures. Our calculation suggests that the collinear magnetic order of Ba2NiTeO6 is induced by the magnetic frustration and easy-axis anisotropy. ©2016 American Physical Society
Neutron diffraction, Crystal lattices, Bragg curve, Antiferromagnetic materials, Anisotropy, Oxides
Asai, S., Soda, M., Kasatani, K., Ono, T., Avdeev, M., & Masuda, T. (2016). Magnetic ordering of the buckled honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet Ba2NiTeO6. Physical Review B, 93(2), 024412. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.93.024412