Radiation shielding design for neutron diffractometers assisted by Monte Carlo methods

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Elsevier B. V.
Monte Carlo simulations may be used to model radiation shielding for neutron diffractometers. The use of the MCNP computer program to assess shielding for a diffractometer is discussed. A comparison is made of shielding requirements for radiation generated by several materials commonly used in neutron optical elements and beam stops, including lithium-6 based absorbers where the Monte Carlo method can model the effects of fast neutrons generated by this material. Crown copyright © 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Physical copy held by ANSTO Library at DDC 539.7213/3. Part II
Absorptivity, Fast neutrons, Gamma radiation, Lithium 6, Monte Carlo Method, Neutron absorbers, Neutron beams, Neutron diffractometers, Shielding materials, Simulation
Osborn, J. C., Ersez, T., & Braoudakis, G. (2006). Radiation shielding design for neutron diffractometers assisted by Monte Carlo methods. Paper presented at the Eighth International Conference on Neutron Scattering (ICNS 2005), "Neutrons for structure and dynamics - a new era", Sydney, Australia, 27 November to 2 December 2005. In Campbell, S. J., Cadogan, J. M., Furusaka, M., Hauser, N., & James, M. (Eds), Physica B: Condensed Matter, 385-386(Part 2), 1321-1323. doi:10.1016/j.physb.2006.06.064