Ionic and electronic properties of the topological insulator Bi2Te2Se investigated via β-detected nuclear magnetic relaxation and resonance of Li8

dc.contributor.authorMcFadden, RMLen_AU
dc.contributor.authorChatzichristos, Aen_AU
dc.contributor.authorChow, KHen_AU
dc.contributor.authorCortie, DLen_AU
dc.contributor.authorDehn, MHen_AU
dc.contributor.authorFujimoto, Den_AU
dc.contributor.authorHossain, MDen_AU
dc.contributor.authorJi, Hen_AU
dc.contributor.authorKarner, VLen_AU
dc.contributor.authorKiefl, RFen_AU
dc.contributor.authorLevy, CDPen_AU
dc.contributor.authorLi, Ren_AU
dc.contributor.authorMcKenzie, Ien_AU
dc.contributor.authorMorris, GDen_AU
dc.contributor.authorOfer, Oen_AU
dc.contributor.authorPearson, MRen_AU
dc.contributor.authorStachura, Men_AU
dc.contributor.authorStachura, RJen_AU
dc.contributor.authorMacFarlane, WAen_AU
dc.description.abstractWe report measurements on the high-temperature ionic and low-temperature electronic properties of the three-dimensional topological insulator Bi2Te2Se using ion-implanted Li8β-detected nuclear magnetic relaxation and resonance. With implantation energies in the range 5-28keV, the probes penetrate beyond the expected range of the topological surface state, but are still within 250nm of the surface. At temperatures above ∼150K, spin-lattice relaxation measurements reveal isolated Li+8 diffusion with an activation energy EA=0.185(8)eV and attempt frequency τ0-1=8±3×1011s-1 for atomic site-to-site hopping. At lower temperature, we find a linear Korringa-type relaxation mechanism with a field-dependent slope and intercept, which is accompanied by an anomalous field dependence to the resonance shift. We suggest that these may be related to a strong contribution from orbital currents or the magnetic freeze-out of charge carriers in this heavily compensated semiconductor, but that conventional theories are unable to account for the extent of the field dependence. Conventional NMR of the stable host nuclei may help elucidate their origin. ©2019 American Physical Society.en_AU
dc.description.sponsorshipWe thank R. Abasalti, D. J. Arseneau, B. Hitti, S. Daviel, K. Olchanski, and D. Vyas for their excellent technical support; D. E. Eldridge, Q. Song, and D. Wang for some help with the early measurements and analysis; M. Ogata and J. A. Folk for useful discussions and comments; K. Foyevtsova and P. Blaha for help with the density functional calculations; and O. Prakash for assistance with transport measurements. This work was supported by NSERC Discovery grants to R.F.K. and W.A.M., as well as NSERC CREATE IsoSiM Fellowships to R.M.L.M. and A.C. The crystal growth at Princeton University was supported by the ARO-sponsored MURI on topological insulators, Grant No. W911NF1210461.en_AU
dc.identifier.citationMcFadden, R. M. L., Chatzichristos, A., Chow, K. H., Cortie, D. L., Dehn, M. H., Fujimoto, D., Hossain, M. D., Ji, H., Karner, V. L., Kiefl, R. F., Levy, C. D. P., Li, R., McKenzie, I., Morris, G. D., Ofer, O., Pearson, M. R., Stachura, M., Cava, R. J., & MacFarlane, W. A. (2019). Ionic and electronic properties of the topological insulator Bi2 Te2 Se investigated via beta-detected nuclear magnetic relaxation and resonance of 8Li. Physical Review B, 99(12), 125201. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.99.125201en_AU
dc.identifier.journaltitlePhysical Review Ben_AU
dc.publisherAmerican Physical Societyen_AU
dc.subjectNuclear magnetismen_AU
dc.subjectElectrical insulatorsen_AU
dc.subjectIonic conductivityen_AU
dc.subjectRare earthsen_AU
dc.subjectTemperature rangeen_AU
dc.subjectThermoelectric propertiesen_AU
dc.subjectCrystal dopingen_AU
dc.titleIonic and electronic properties of the topological insulator Bi2Te2Se investigated via β-detected nuclear magnetic relaxation and resonance of Li8en_AU
dc.typeJournal Articleen_AU
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