Chronostratigraphy of sediment cores from Lake Selina, southeastern Australia: radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence, paleomagnetism, authigenic beryllium isotopes and elemental data

This Data in Brief paper comprises dataset obtained for sediment cores collected from Lake Selina, located in the West Coast Range of Tasmania, Australia. Datasets include radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence age estimates, elemental composition, beryllium isotopes, magnetic properties and the paleomagnetic record measured on the cores assigned as TAS1402 (Location: Tasmania, Year: 2014, Site number: 02). The multi-proxy dataset was used to develop a chronostratigraphy for the 5.5 m and 270,000 year old record. See Lisé-Pronovost et al. (2021) (10.1016/j.quageo.2021.101152) for interpretation and discussion. The data presented in this study serve as an archive for future studies focusing on Earth system dynamics and the timeline and linkages of environmental changes across Tasmania, the Southern Hemisphere and at a global scale. 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND licence.
Sediments, Drill cores, Lakes, Australia, Tasmania, Data, Luminescence, Paleomagnetism, Beryllium isotopes, Carbon 14, Pleistocene epoch
Lisé-Pronovost, A., Fletcher, M.-S., Simon, Q., Jacobs, Z., Gadd, P. S., Herries, A. I. R., & Yokoyama, Y. (2022). Chronostratigraphy of sediment cores from Lake Selina, southeastern Australia: Radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence, paleomagnetism, authigenic beryllium isotopes and elemental data. Data in Brief, 42, 108144. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2022.108144