Wombat: the high-intensity powder diffractometer at the OPAL reactor

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Elsevier B. V.
The Wombat powder diffractometer will be located on the TG1 thermal guide at the OPAL reactor. A variable vertically focusing monochromator will provide a flux of up to ≈108 ns−1 cm−2 at the sample position. A compact curved 2D position sensitive detector will allow simultaneous acquisition of 120 ° in 2θ, with ≈106 s−1 count rate capability and time resolution down to the microsecond level. Wombat is designed for experiments requiring rapid real time acquisition (time-resolved environmental or kinetics experiments) or very good signal to noise (experiments with difficult sample environments or small sample volumes). Crown Copyright © 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Physical copy held by ANSTO Library at DDC 539.7213/3. Part II
Beam optics, Diffractometers, Kinetics, Monochromators, Neutron beams, Neutron flux, Position sensitive detectors, Real time systems, Research reactors, Signal-to-noise ratio, Thermal neutrons, Time resolution
Studer, A. J., Hagen, M. E., & Noakes, T. J. (2006). Wombat: The high-intensity powder diffractometer at the OPAL reactor. Paper presented at the Eighth International Conference on Neutron Scattering (ICNS 2005), "Neutrons for structure and dynamics - a new era", Sydney, Australia, 27 November to 2 December 2005. In Physica B: Condensed Matter, 385-386, 1013-1015. doi:10.1016/j.physb.2006.05.323