New sample environment projects and developments at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering

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Australian Institute of Physics
Since the 2018 meeting the sample environment team at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering (ACNS) has progressed the design and construction of the new superconducting split-coil magnet, a fast cooling closed cycle cryostat and a new type of closed cycle dilution refrigerator. The first of the two fast cooling cryostats (compact closed cycle dry cryostats, 1.5 K to 800 K) will arrive in early 2019, with a tested sample cool down of 30 minutes. The new magnet is in the final stages of design, including a sample well for our time-of-flight spectrometer PELICAN. The new magnet will have active magnetic shielding and an asymmetric coil design to allow experiments with polarised neutrons. The expected arrival for the magnet is mid-2019. The closed cycle dilution refrigerator will have high cooling power and a very large sample space allowing a new class of experiments with neutrons at ultra-low temperature, arriving in March 2019. Also presented is the development of carbon fibre sample probes to enable faster cooling and quicker sample changes.
ANSTO, Australia, Cryostats, Design, Neutrons, Performance, Probes, Refrigerators, Scattering, Superconducting magnets
White, R., Imperia, P., Booth, N., D'Adam, T., Davidson, G., Lee, S., Manning, A., & Tobin, S. (2019). New sample environment projects and developments at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering. Poster presented to the 43rd Annual Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW 5th February - 8th February, 2019. (pp.80). Retrieved from: