Synthesis and structural characterization of the vividly colored first row transition metal-containing oxyfluoride antiperovskites Sr3-xMnxMO4F and Sr3-xMnxMO4-αF1-δ (M = Al, Ga)

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Incorporation of dopant amounts of the divalent transition metal cation Mn2+ into the oxyfluoride material Sr3-xMnxMO4F (M  = Al, Ga; 0 ≤ x ≤ 0.1) yields green powders which vary in hue depending on the identity of M. Treatment of these phases with post-synthesis annealing under reducing conditions produces anion deficient phases according to Sr3-xMnxMO4-αF1-δ displaying vivid purple coloration. Intense colors are likely due to small amounts of Mn3+ on the tetrahedral M site. Full structural characterization based upon powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), neutron powder diffraction (NPD), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) data are presented herein, demonstrating that the Sr3-xAxMO4F (A = Ca, Sr, Ba; M = Al, Ga) anti-perovskite structure can readily accommodate first row transition metals. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd.
Crystal structure, X-ray diffraction, Neutron diffraction, Fluorides, Transition elements, Anions, Stoichiometry, Coloration
Quilty, C. D., Avdeev, M., & Sullivan, E. (2018). Synthesis and structural characterization of the vividly colored first row transition metal-containing oxyfluoride antiperovskites Sr3-xMnxMO4F and Sr3-xMnxMO4-αF1-δ (M = Al, Ga). Materials Research Bulletin, 102, 424-432, doi:10.1016/j.materresbull.2018.02.046