Radio-isotopes in Australian industry and research

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Melbourne University Press on behalf of The Australian Atomic Energy Commission
Radio-isotopes play a very prominent part in industry in the United States, the United Kingdom and other highly industrialised countries. These countries also use radio-isotopes, mainly as tracers, very extensively in basic and applied research, and in clinical medicine. Australian industry and research has been relatively slow to accept these new techniques, as illustrated by statistics in Table 1. The relatively low figure for the U.S.A. can be explained by their national policy in radioisotope production. In general, United States shipments from Oak Ridge are individually larger in quantity than the U.K. shipments. Many United States shipments are bulk supplies for commercial firms, who split them up for sale to the user in much smaller units. The United Kingdom organisations at Harwell and Amersham sell direct to the user, or in a form ready for use in almost all cases. Also, small shipments under general licence are not included in the U.S.A. data. If the U.S.A. figures were on the same basis as the United Kingdom data, the number of shipments per unit of population figure would be much larger than indicated in Table 1.
Physical copies held by ANSTO Library at DDC: 539.7/348
Radioisotopes, Australia, Australian organizations, Tracer techniques, Medicine, Research reactors, Industry, Ground water, Gamma radiography
Gregory. J. N. (1958). Radio-isotopes in Australian industry and research. Paper present to the Australian Atomic Energy Symposium, 1958, "Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy In Australia", Sydney, June 2 to 6, 1958. In Australian Atomic Energy Symposium, 1958 : proceedings of a Symposium on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in Australia held in Sydney from June 2 to 6, 1958. Carlton, Victoria : Melbourne University Press on behalf of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission, (pp. 600-606).