Polycrystalline materials analysis using the Maia pixelated energy-dispersive x-ray area detector

Elemental, chemical, and structural analysis of polycrystalline materials at the micron scale is frequently carried out using microfocused synchrotron X-ray beams, sometimes on multiple instruments. The Maia pixelated energy-dispersive X-ray area detector enables the simultaneous collection of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and diffraction because of the relatively large solid angle and number of pixels when compared with other systems. The large solid angle also permits extraction of surface topography because of changes in self-absorption. This work demonstrates the capability of the Maia detector for simultaneous measurement of XRF and diffraction for mapping the short- and long-range order across the grain structure in a Ni polycrystalline foil. Copyright © International Centre for Diffraction Data 2017
Powder Diffraction , Volume 32 , Supplement S2 comprises the Proceedings of the 2017 Australian X-ray Analytical Association workshops, conference, and exhibition.
Diffraction, Tomography, Synchrotrons, X-ray fluorescence analysis, X-ray diffraction, Polycrystals
Kirkwood, H., De Jonge, M., Howard, D., Ryan, C., van Riessen, G., Hofmann, F., Rowles, M. R., Paradowska, A. M., & Abbey, B. (2017). Polycrystalline materials analysis using the Maia pixelated energy-dispersive X-ray area detector. Paper presented to the 2017 Australian X-ray Analytical Association workshops, conference, and exhibition, Melbourne, Victoria, 5 to 9 February 2017. In Powder Diffraction, 32(S2), S16-S21. doi:10.1017/S0885715617000768