The transmutation of radioactive reactor waste

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Australian Atomic Energy Commission
The feasibility of transmuting the hazardous long-lived radioactive isotopes present in reactor waste to stable or short-lived isotopes is examined. Even to transmute only the most hazardous fission product isotopes, caesium-137 and strontium-90, by protons, electrons or gamma rays requires more electrical energy than the reactor can produce. Neutron transmutation of these fission products would require high neutron fluxes such as might be obtainable from a controlled thermonuclear reactor or a spallation target. The development of both systems is many years in the future, and the spallation system would use almost all of the reactor power output. The neutron transmutation of the transuranic component of the waste is feasible by recycling in nuclear reactors. The transmutation occurs by neutron absorption and fission, so that the waste is converted to a smaller quantity of less hazardous fission product and the fission energy is utilised.
Fission products, Thermonuclear reactors, Radioactive wastes, Gamma radiation, Transmutation
Harries, J. R. (1974). The transmutation of radioactive reactor waste. (AAEC/E326). Lucas Heights, NSW: Australian Atomic Energy Commission.