Competing types of long-range 3d magnetic order in the layered molecular network compounds M(NCO)2(pyz), M - Mn, Re or Co

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Australian Institute of Physics
We have synthesised M(NCO)2(pyz) compounds where M is Mn, Fe or Co. We present the results of a neutron powder diffraction investigation into the crystal and magnetic structures of these compounds as a function of temperature. We find that the structures of all three compounds are isomorphic and related to that of Mn(N3)2(pyz), and yet exhibit two distinct magnetic structures at low temperature. The relationship between these two magnetic structures, and the finely balanced magnetic exchange interactions that lead to the adoption of one over the other, are discussed. © 2005 Australian Institute of Physics
Coherent scattering, Diffraction, Interactions, Physical properties, Scattering, Transition element compounds
Ling, C. D., & Manson, J. L. (2005). Competing types of long-range 3d magnetic order in the layered molecular network compounds M(NCO)2(pyz), M - Mn, Re or Co. Paper presented to the 29th Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting, "Australian Institute of Physics Sixteenth Biennial Congress", Canberra, 2005, 31 January - 4 February 2005.