Polarised neutron capabilities at ACNS

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Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE)
The Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering offers neutron spin filters for six instruments (WOMBAT, PELICAN, QUOKKA, PLATYPUS, TAIPAN and SIKA), using a combination of supermirrors and polarised 3He cells. The infrastructure required to use 3He spin filters is particularly complicated, and a clear understanding of this is pivotal to designing and carrying out successful experiments which take advantage of polarised neutron scattering. Such experiments typically investigate systems where detailed study of magnetic effects or the separation of coherent and incoherent scattering is needed. Here, the capabilities for polarised neutron scattering experiments for each of these instruments are summarised, including compatible sample environments such as cryostats, magnets and sample changers, and a discussion of key considerations when planning experiments using polarised neutrons. A newly-acquired 7 tesla compensated vertical magnet will also be described, and some initial results for its use on the SANS instrument QUOKKA will be presented. Finally, some possible future directions to further develop the polarised neutron capabilities at ACNS are outlined. © The author.
Australia, ANSTO, Neutrons, Scattering, Spin, Filters, Design, Incoherent scattering
Manning, A. (2020). Polarised neutron capabilities at ACNS. Paper presented to the ANBUG-AINSE Neutron Scattering Symposium, AANSS 2020, Virtual Meeting, 11th - 13th November 2020, (pp. 92). Retrieved from: https://events01.synchrotron.org.au/event/125/attachments/725/1149/AANSS_Abstract_Booklet_Complete_-_1_Page_Reduced.pdf