ANSTO Publications Online

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The APO database has been migrated to version 7.5. The functionality has changed, but the content remains the same.

ANSTO Publications Online is a digital repository for publications authored by ANSTO staff since 2007. The Repository also contains ANSTO Publications, such as Reports and Promotional Material. ANSTO publications prior to 2007 continue to be added progressively as they are in identified in the library. ANSTO authors can be identified under a single point of entry within the database. The citation is as it appears on the item, even with incorrect spelling, which is marked by (sic) or with additional notes in the description field.

If items are only held in hardcopy in the ANSTO Library collection notes are being added to the item to identify the Dewey Call number: as DDC followed by the number.

APO will be integrated with the Research Information System which is currently being implemented at ANSTO. The flow on effect will be permission to publish, which should allow pre-prints and post prints to be added where content is locked behind a paywall. To determine which version can be added to APO authors should check Sherpa Romeo. ANSTO research is increasingly being published in open access due mainly to the Council of Australian University Librarians read and publish agreements, and some direct publisher agreements with our organisation. In addition, open access items are also facilitated through collaboration and open access agreements with overseas authors such as Plan S.

ANSTO authors are encouraged to use a CC-BY licence when publishing open access. Statistics have been returned to the database and are now visible to users to show item usage and where this usage is coming from.


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Recent Submissions

Comparative study of alternative Geant4 hadronic ion inelastic physics models for prediction of positron-emitting radionuclide production in carbon and oxygen ion therapy
(IOP Publishing, 2019-08-01) Chacon, A; Guatelli, S; Rutherford, H; Bolst, D; Mohammadi, A; Ahmed, A; Nitta, M; Nishikido, F; Iwao, Y; Tashima, H; Yoshida, E; Akamatsu, G; Takyu, S; Kitagawa, A; Hofmann, T; Pinto, M; Franklin, DR; Parodi, K; Yamaya, T; Rosenfeld, AB; Safavi-Naeini, M
The distribution of fragmentation products predicted by Monte Carlo simulations of heavy ion therapy depend on the hadronic physics model chosen in the simulation. This work aims to evaluate three alternative hadronic inelastic fragmentation physics options available in the Geant4 Monte Carlo radiation physics simulation framework to determine which model most accurately predicts the production of positron-emitting fragmentation products observable using in-beam PET imaging. Fragment distributions obtained with the BIC, QMD, and INCL + + physics models in Geant4 version 10.2.p03 are compared to experimental data obtained at the HIMAC heavy-ion treatment facility at NIRS in Chiba, Japan. For both simulations and experiments, monoenergetic beams are applied to three different block phantoms composed of gelatin, poly(methyl methacrylate) and polyethylene. The yields of the positron-emitting nuclei 11C, 10C and 15O obtained from simulations conducted with each model are compared to the experimental yields estimated by fitting a multi-exponential radioactive decay model to dynamic PET images using the normalised mean square error metric in the entrance, build up/Bragg peak and tail regions. Significant differences in positron-emitting fragment yield are observed among the three physics models with the best overall fit to experimental 12C and 16O beam measurements obtained with the BIC physics model. © 2019 Commonwealth of Australia, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, ANSTO.
Over‐stoichiometric metastabilization of cation‐disordered rock salts
(Wiley, 2023-12-21) Wang, Y; Outka, A; Takele, WM; Avdeev, M; Sainio, S; Liu, R; Kee, V; Choe, W; Raji‐Adefila, B; Nordlund, D; Zhou, S; Kan, WH; Habteyes, TG; Chen, DC
Cation‐disordered rock salts (DRXs) are well known for their potential to realize the goal of achieving scalable Ni‐ and Co‐free high‐energy‐density Li‐ion batteries. Unlike in most cathode materials, the disordered cation distribution may lead to more factors that control the electrochemistry of DRXs. An important variable that is not emphasized by research community is regarding whether a DRX exists in a more thermodynamically stable form or a more metastable form. Moreover, within the scope of metastable DRXs, over‐stoichiometric DRXs, which allow relaxation of the site balance constraint of a rock salt structure, are particularly underexplored. In this work, these findings are reported in locating a generally applicable approach to “metastabilize” thermodynamically stable Mn‐based DRXs to metastable ones by introducing Li over‐stoichiometry. The over‐stoichiometric metastabilization greatly stimulates more redox activities, enables better reversibility of Li deintercalation/intercalation, and changes the energy storage mechanism. The metastabilized DRXs can be transformed back to the thermodynamically stable form, which also reverts the electrochemical properties, further contrasting the two categories of DRXs. This work enriches the structural and compositional space of DRX families and adds new pathways for rationally tuning the properties of DRX cathodes. © 1999-2024 John Wiley & Sons, Inc or related companies.
Durability of a cementitious wasteform for intermediate level waste
(Springer Nature, 2008-12-01) McGlinn, PJ; Brew, DRM; Aldridge, LP; Payne, TE; Olufson, KP; Prince, KE; Kelly, IJ
Cementitious material is the most commonly used encapsulation medium for low and intermediate level radioactive waste. This paper focuses on the aqueous durability of a Materials Testing Reactor (MTR) cementitious wasteform – a possible candidate for the proposed intermediate level waste management facility in Australia. A series of medium term (up to 92 months) durability tests, without leachate replacement, were conducted on samples of this wasteform. The wasteform was made from cement, ground granulated blast furnace slag and a simulated waste liquor. The compressive strength (39 MPa) was typical of MTR cement wasteforms and well above that required for handling or storage. The wasteform was an inhomogeneous mixture containing calcite, a calcium silicate hydrate phase, hydrotalcite and unreacted slag particles. After leaching for 92 months the crystallinity of the calcium silicate hydrate phase increased. The majority of the releases of Ca, Si, Al, Sr, S, Na and K was reached within 4 days of leaching, with the maxima ie. the highest concentrations in the leachates, occurring at 3 months for Ca, Al, Sr, S, Na and K, and at 1 month for Si. For the longer leach periods (6 months and 3 months respectively) there was a slight reduction in concentration in the leachates, and these levels were similar to those for the longest period of 92 months, suggesting steady-state conditions prevailing after 3 to 6 months of leaching. The highest releases of matrix elements were for Na (37%), K (40%) and S (16%). Releases for elements such as Ca, Na, Al and Sr were similar in magnitude to those reported by the UKAEA in earlier MTR studies. After leaching for 92 months there was an alteration layer about 80 ∞m deep where calcium has been depleted. Na, K and Sr showed signs of diffusion towards the outer part of the cement samples. © 2008 Materials Research Society
Dose reconstruction from PET images in carbon ion therapy: a deconvolution approach using an evolutionary algorithm
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2017-10-28) Hofmann, T; Fochi, A; Pinto, M; Mohammadi, A; Nitta, M; Nishikido, F; Iwao, Y; Tashima, H; Yoshida, E; Safavi-Naeini, M; Chacon, A; Rosenfeld, AB; Yamaya, T; Parodi, K
Dose monitoring and range verification are important tools in carbon ion therapy. For their implementation, positron emission tomography (PET) can be used to image the β+-activation of tissue during treatment. Predictions of these β+-activity distributions are usually obtained from Monte Carlo simulations, which demands high computational time and thus limits the applicability of this technique in clinical scenario. Nevertheless, it is desirable to explore faster approaches able to give such a prediction, since only its comparison with the measured distributions allows a definite assessment of potential range deviations from the planned treatment. For the first time, we present an approach to perform deconvolution from PET data in carbon ion therapy and reconstruct the dose. A filtering method is used to predict positron emitter profiles from dose profiles in short time. In order to reverse the convolution and estimate a dose distribution from a positron emitter distribution, we apply an evolutionary algorithm. Filters are obtained from either a library or are created in advance for a specific problem, assuming that a prediction of the positron emitter distribution is available. To perform the latter method and find the best filter for a specific problem, we use another evolutionary algorithm, hence optimizing the filter on-the-fly for the given treatment scheme. The application of our method is shown for dose and positron emitter distributions in homogeneous phantoms using simulated and newly measured online PET data. Carbon ion ranges can be predicted within 2 mm and the shape of the dose distribution is reconstructed with an overall promising agreement.
Effect of stainless steel can/glass-ceramic interaction layer on aqueous durability
(Materials Research Society, 2007) McGlinn, PJ; Zhang, YJ; Li, HJ; Payne, TE
Calcined high-level radioactive waste (HLW) stored at the Idaho National Laboratory (LNL) will eventually be immobilised in a suitable wasteform before disposal. A tailored glass-ceramic wasteform, produced by hot isostatic pressing (HIPing) in stainless steel (SS) cans, has been developed at the Australian Nuclear Science & Technology Organisation (ANSTO) as a costsaving alternative to glass which would improve waste loading and density, and reduce waste volume. We have studied the SS/wasteform interactions under HIPing conditions to understand whether such interactions would have any detrimental effect on long-term wasteform stability. This has been demonstrated by carrying out aqueous durability tests, under near-neutral and alkaline conditions, on the wasteform at the interaction layer, and on the wasteform distal to this reaction edge. Reaction during HIPing resulted in verifiable Cr diffusion from the can wall into the wasteform, yet without any detectable detrimental impact on the HIP can or the aqueous durability of the wasteform. © 2007 Materials Research Society.