Neutron diffraction residual stress measurements of welds made with pulsed tandem gas metal arc welding (PT-GMAW)

Pulsed tandem gas metal arc welding (PT-GMAW) is being developed to increase productivity and minimise weld-induced distortion in ship-building. The PT-GMAW process was used in pulse–pulse mode to butt-weld two different strength and thickness steels; the residual stress and hardness profiles of the welds are reported and correlated. © International Centre for Diffraction Data 2014
Gases, Metals, Residual stresses, Ships, Welding, Data
Paradowska, A. M., Larkin, N., Li, H., Pan, Z., Shen, C., & Law, M. (2014). Neutron diffraction residual stress measurements of welds made with pulsed tandem gas metal arc welding (PT-GMAW). Paper presented to the 2014 Australian X-Ray Analytical Association (AXAA) Conference held February 9-13 2014, Perth, Australia. In V. K. Peterson, & Webster, N. A. S. (Eds), Powder Diffraction, 29(S1), S24-S27. doi:10.1017/S0885715614000992