Possible methods of disposal of the AAEC's low and medium level solid radioactive waste and an environmental impact assessment of the reopening of an existing burial ground.

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Australian Atomic Energy Commission
In Part I, various alternatives for disposing of the low and medium level solid radioactive waste from the Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment at Lucas Heights, New South Wales, are examined. Because only a small quantity of radioactivity is involved, only trivial human exposure could arise from this waste. The direct disposal costs of these alternatives are considered and it is shown that burial in an existing, but presently disused, burial ground at Little Forest, near Lucas Heights, is by far the cheapest. The environmental impact of re-using this burial ground is assessed in Part 2. It is concluded that no pathway exists by which members of the public could receive a significant radiation dose, and that the alienation of the Little Forest area would not be increased over that which has already occurred due to the waste previously buried there.
Underground disposal, Radioactive wastes, Radioactive waste disposal, Solid wastes
Ellis, W. R. (1977). Possible methods of disposal of the aaec's low and medium level solid radioactive waste and an environmental impact assessment of the reopening of an existing burial ground (AAEC/E421). Lucas Heights: Australian Atomic Energy Commission.