The validation of synthetic spectra used in the performance evaluation of radionuclide identifiers

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This work has evaluated synthetic gamma-ray spectra created by the RASE sampler using experimental data. The RASE sampler resamples experimental data to create large data libraries which are subsequently available for use in evaluation of radionuclide identification algorithms. A statistical evaluation of the synthetic energy bins has shown the variation to follow a Poisson distribution identical to experimental data. The minimum amount of statistics required in each base spectrum to ensure the subsequent use of the base spectrum in the generation of statistically robust synthetic data was determined. A requirement that the simulated acquisition time of the synthetic spectra was not more than 4% of the acquisition time of the base spectrum was also determined. Further validation of RASE was undertaken using two different radionuclide identification algorithms. © 2013, Elsevier Ltd.
Gamma spectra, Algorithms, Radioisotopes, Experimental data, IAEA, Radiation monitors
Flynn, A., Boardman, D., & Reinhard, M. I. (2013). The validation of synthetic spectra used in the performance evaluation of radionuclide identifiers. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 77, 145-152. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2013.03.089