SPECT - a FORTRAN program for the analysis of technetium-99m and other gamma spectra in a radioisotope quality control environment

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Australian Atomic Energy Commission
The FORTRAN program SPECT has been written for use in a radioisotope quality control environment to process gamma ray spectra for the estimation of specific impurities in a radiopharmaceutical product. The analysis is performed using a radionuclide library containing details of the principal radioisotopes, expected impurities and known spectrum artifacts. The program provides a plot of the spectrum on which significant peaks are marked. The activities of identified radioisotopes are calculated from principal emission and decay data contained in the library. The program output lists these activities, together with artifact peaks of known origin and details of unidentified peaks. Comments to assist the user are also provided. Since the program requires < 70K of storage, it receives a high priority in the operating system used with the AAEC's IBM360/50 computer. This leads to a short 'turn around' period for the quality control of short lived radiopharmaceuticals.
Fortran, IBM computers, S codes, Quantitative chemical analysis, Technetium 99, Isomeric nuclei, Impurities
Hetherington, E. L. R., & Wood, N. R. (1974). SPECT - a FORTRAN program for the analysis of technetium-99m and other gamma spectra in a radioisotope quality control environment. (AAEC/E319). Lucas Heights, NSW: Australian Atomic Energy Commission.