Generation and validation of a cross section library based on ENDF/B-VI for the AUS neutronics code system.

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Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
The generation of a cross section library with 200 neutron and 37 photon groups from ENDF/B-VI for use in the AUS modular neutronics code system is described. The NJOY code was used for most of the library preparation but a revision of previous AUS methods was used for the neutron resonance treatment. The library should be suitable for thermal and fast fission reactors fusion blankets and various neutron applications. The validity of AUS with the library was established for thermal and fast reactor systems by an extensive set of comparisons with benchmark experiments which were mainly taken from the ENDF compilation. The performance of AUS with the library was much improved over that with the previous ENDF/B-IV based library.
Cross sections, Thermonuclear reactors, Computer calculations, Nuclear reactions
Robinson, G. S. (1993). Generation and validation of a cross section library based on ENDF/B-VI for the AUS neutronics code system. Lucas Heights, NSW: Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation.