Site emergency releases and site emergency stocks - recommended values for use at the research establishment

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Australian Atomic Energy Commission
Figures are given for the quantities of hazardous materials which, if released to atmosphere or if involved in an accident capable of leading to a release to atmosphere at the Australian Atomic Energy Commission Research Establishment, Lucas Heights, are the minimum amounts which could give rise to a situation requiring appraisal by the Site Emergency Organisation. Such a situation is defined as one in which potential involuntary exposures of individuals to radiation and radioactive materials may involve a subsequent risk to the exposed individual of long term adverse somatic effects (e.g. carcinogenesis) in excess of 10-4. The circumstances of an accident involving more than a site emergency stock must be investigated immediately to evaluate actual risks and to initiate emergency action if necessary. The dependence of such an evaluation on the physical and chemical forms of the material, its containment and prevailing weather conditions are described in general terms.
Biological radiation effects, Radiation protection, AAEC, Reactor accidents, Maximum permissible concentration, External irradiation
Cook, J. E. (1974). Site emergency releases and site emergency stocks : recommended values for use at the research establishment (AAEC/E286). Lucas Heights, NSW: Australian Atomic Energy Commission, Research Establishment.