Neutron powder diffraction determination of the magnetic structure of Nd2Al
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IOP Publishing LTD
We have determined the magnetic structure of Nd 2 Al by neutron powder diffraction. This orthorhombic intermetallic compound orders ferromagnetically below 36 K with the Nd moments aligned along the b-axis. Even at 1.7 K, the larger of the two Nd moments is only 2.3(2) μ B , about 70% of the 'free-ion' value of 3.27 μ B . This reduction is a consequence of the substantial crystal-field effects at the Nd 3+ sites.(c) 2011 IOP Publishing LTD
Neutron diffraction, Rare earth compounds, Crystallography, Ferromagnetic materials, Antiferromagnetic materials, Aluminium
Cadogan, J. M., Avdeev, M., Kumar, P., Suresh, K., D., Ryan, D. H. (2011). Neutron powder diffraction determination of the magnetic structure of Nd2Al. Paper presented to the Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS 2010), 23th–28th August 2010, Krakow, Poland. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 303(1), Art. No. 012026. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/303/1/012026